Jump Dash Roll is looking for writers!
Since we started in February 2018, we've published nearly 1200 articles - reviews, features, interviews, hardware coverage and more - and our writers have come from diverse backgrounds and locations around the globe . In itself this makes us proud but the response from our readership has been just as brilliant - in each year we've seen the number of unique visitors rise, page views rise and bounce rates drop. More people are finding JDR, each of them is reading more articles and they're all staying for longer. This makes us massively proud, and ensures we can provide the coverage required to succeed.
While this is all amazing to us, we want to keep going up, up, up and away. This is where you can help!

If you have a passion for gaming and are a competent writer – even if you've never written about the industry before – we'd love to hear from you. Whether it's news, reviews, features, retro pieces, long reads, opinions, esports, mobile or casual gaming – or anything in between – we can provide a comprehensive introduction to writing for us, and our editors can help you hone your craft to make your pieces sharp, relevant, and enjoyable. While these writing roles are voluntary, we also provide review copies for many new game releases - both indie and AAA - once you've proven to be a reliable and valuable contributor to the site.
To apply:
Please contact us with your application. Include your name, location, which platforms you can cover, and explain why you'd be a good fit for Jump Dash Roll.
If you have previously been published, please include at least one sample piece (and a maximum of three). If you haven't been published, this isn't a barrier - we can discuss a trial assignment to see if your writing will work for the site. We are keen to help enthusiastic new authors get a foot in the door of a very competitive industry.
We look forward to hearing from you!
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